Researching different types of genres is the only thing that has been on my mind right now. As I said in my last post the fashion is one of my passions which is why I have been reading and taking notes about all the research I have found and i would now like to share what I have found will all of you guys.
Typical features found in fashion magazines include articles about numerous pages on new trends, styles and designers. This genre usually includes female fashion, make-up, glamour. Street fashion consists of a trendy and cool look for the younger generation (aged 16-30) which is generally seen in major urban centers. Most magazines show urban culture which gives it a very modern look and the front cover of almost all fashion magazines usually has a well known celebrity or model.
Models/celebrities are usually use direct contact towards the camera as a way to attract audience and make it more personal by making it feel like they’re looking straight at you. The angles and shots taken for these magazines are usually full shots or mid shots to show the different body gestures. The lighting used is fashion magazines can be portrayed as bright bringing a feeling of freshness, happiness and capture the attention of our audience. In many covers, there is a strong color to contrast a portion of a subject adding a “pop” and “edge” to the magazine. The masthead of the magazine is often bold and bright to catch the reader's eye and persuade them to read it. It fits the genre of the magazine with its colors and font style. There is always a color theme that matches with the genre.
Since the fashion genre is targeted towards young females, a major part of how the genre is marketed is through media and the internet. This generation is so involved
with social media that marketing magazines through social media applications such as
Instagram and Twitter is the best idea. Many fashion magazines are finding success by
leveraging blog and user-generated content (UGC) on social media to drive audience
engagement and create a click-and-shop experience making it easier for the audience.
User-generated content uses customer insights, websites, social and search analytics to
understand your audience’s behavior that will in the future help you distribute the fashion
magazine that is personal towards the customers.
The Vogue magazine is fashion and lifestyle magazine covering many topics including fashion, beauty, culture, living, and runway. It is considered to be teach readers how to assume a chic and modern appearance. The masthead of this magazine cover is bold and matches the color theme. The model is staring directly at the camera to catch the customer's attention.

Other fashion magazines:

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