Sunday, February 24, 2019

Brainstorming Fashion Themes...

As I said in my last post, my genre for the magazine will be FASHION!!!

Where do I start now? There are way to many styles and trends that I can do my magazine on but what theme would be best for my magazine.

Since I was able to decide on my genre pretty fast and the second week is about to start, I have decided to start researching what stories and themes would be best for my fashion magazine and the target audience. Typically since the audience ranges from 16-30, what theme would be ideal for them?

One of my ideas is to create a magazine that is visual-centric, it has visual triggers to evoke a full outpouring of excitement and the absolute joy of reading the magazine. 

Image result for fashion magazine with neons Image result for fashion magazine with neons

This idea consists of using strong and neon colors to really capture the readers attention.

I am still researching ideas for my theme and my story but by the end of this week I will let you all know what it will be writing my magazine on!

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This is my Creative Critical Reflection,  in which I address certain topics that have to do with the creation of my magazine. Thank you ...